We love spices! Besides salt and pepper; fresh or dry, they are the ideal way to add flavour to foods. They are versatile and each presents a distinct flavour profile. One of our personal favourites is thyme! It is perfect on almost anything, and it is one of the spices we use in our products.
Here are some awesome and random facts about thyme:
- Thyme is a perennial herb that belongs to the mint family. It is mostly used in cooking or as a medicinal herb. In fact, thymol (the essential oil) is the active ingredient in many famous types of mouthwash, since it was once used to prevent infection.
- The herb has over 350 varieties. Within some of these varieties, there is a type called creeping thyme that bloomspink, purple or white flowers. Some households use it as their lawn grass.
- Thyme gets its name from the Greek word meaning “to fumigate” – and its fragrant use goes back that far. Apparently, the Greeks used it as a powerful incense in their temples. It was even believed to repel snakes.The Greeks also associated thyme with courage since it is believed to bring strength and bravery.
- Finally, due to its many antioxidants and nutrients, it is very beneficial for heart health and blood circulation. Its scent may also help you fall asleep.
Add thyme to your next meal and you'll be delighted. Thyme can be used in so many ways, from making a Thyme Tea or Thyme Martini to adding it to your favorite seafood pasta! Hopefully, with its fascinating history and facts, you will begin to appreciate it even more.